Wednesday 25 October 2017

Reduce your AC Expenses by Hiring Top Air Conditioning Company Melbourne

In an era of increasing power rates, repairing and maintenance of your split AC device has never been more essential.  We can reduce your expenses, and your wellness by offering a support for air conditioning repair in Melbourne, Victoria that maintains your AC devices performing at ideal effectiveness, although being sanitized to eliminate unpleasant air-borne microbes and bacteria’s.  The age of the device will also be significantly improved with a great repair program.

Heating and Cooling service in Victoria

A normal regular air conditioning service Melbourne, Victoria involves:
Interior Unit
  • Fully clean and deodorise filter systems and interior housing
  • Check supply and returning air temperatures
  • Clean interior coils
  • Check evaporator drain
  • Calibrate remote control
Outdoor Unit
  • Inspect outdoor coil/clean
  • Check condenser fan for any obstructions
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Check tube padding - change if necessary
  • Check condenser level
With ample knowledge in problem discovering, restoration and set up of air conditioning devices, there is not much we have not observed.  Our purpose is to have and maintain your device working as effectively and dependably as possible, with decreased operating expenses and a long term life span.   Our, air conditioning repair in Melbourne, Victoria, experts are certified, registered and trustworthy technician. They will be polite, and effective in their support, we have created our popularity on repeat business and word of mouth suggestions. 

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Commercial AC Repair & AC Service Providers in Melbourne

Are you facing problem with your air conditioner? WTFIX Air offers air conditioning service Melbourne, Victoria for most of the major brands. So before making decision to purchase AC system and spend huge amount to setup a new unit; contact us and let us suggest you the best option to your air conditioning problem.


WTFIX Air encourage house holders to get their air conditioning system examined on a regular basis. A best guideline is to plan air conditioning repairs Melbourne, Victoria twice every year, in the fall, before the frosty temperatures hit and in the spring, before the sweltering days of summer hit. Regular service fills you in regarding whether there is something that should be changed or repaired to avoid additional harm to the air cooling system.

We understand the cost of air conditioning service Melbourne has a tendency to be more costly for house holders who don't plan consistent maintenance of AC, instead of house holders who call us to plan routine service and examination. Add a reminder to your timetable to call us for your service and review.

Why Choose WTFIX Air?
  • Skilled, Experienced & Professional Technicians
  • Fast and Convenient Service
  • All labor guaranteed
  • Locally Owned & Operated
Your decision of an organization for air conditioning installation Melbourne, Victoria is critical, keep in mind that you are welcoming them into your home so ensure they are prepared and progressive on the present patterns in air cooling innovation and gear.

WTFIX Air can deal with setup and repairing of most of the commercial AC installation Melbourne, Victoria. You can get a complete detail of brands that we cover here. At WTFIX Air, the majority of our professionals are certified, so you can make sure that your commercial AC installation will finished legitimately, the first attempt.

Subsequent to introducing another commercial air cooling system, a vital component to make it to last is frequent repair and maintenance. WTFIX Air is glad to help you by offering customary support to your current commercial air cooling and commercial heating Melbourne, Victoria regardless of whether we were the ones who introduced it or not. By legitimately adjusting and keeping up your commercial air cooling and HVAC framework, you can appreciate the comfort that it will accommodate a very long time to come.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

How to Choose the Best Service Provider for Air Conditioning Installation in Melbourne

So, decided for the air conditioning installation in Melbourne, Victoria for the comfort of the house. It is said that house is a heart and when the house is kept comfortable, the heart remains happy and satisfied; therefore, it is essential to hire the professional service providers to get the job done efficiently. Many families also prefer going to the summer vacations, usually to get them refreshed in the humid and high temperature. But, isn’t it will be great if they install an air conditioning system at their house to keep them relaxed and refreshed all during the year. An AC unit keeps the house cool and comfortable so that one doesn’t sweat anymore after reaching the home way back from the hectic and tiresome work schedule and heavy traffic. As the unit provides a comfortable atmosphere at home, it is sensible to hire the best professionals for the service and AC installation Melbourne, Victoria, but, the concern for many people is that how to pick the right residential and  commercial air conditioning installation Melbourne, Victoria when everyone claims to be the best.

So, to solve all such queries, below are some helpful tips to guide the way:

Referrals – Remember, “Self-praise is no recommendations”, thus it is better to check for the customer and client referrals to determine the quality of the service. Among the increasing competition for the installation and Air conditioning Service in Melbourne, referrals are the best recommendation to determine the reliability of the installation service. Do the shortlist of the service providers based on the positive recommendations.

Skills – Installing the air conditioning unit is not everyone’ cup of tea, therefore, look for the skills of the service provider before moving ahead. Determine the skills in which the company has excelled. This is important because if the AC unit is not installed correctly then it may not work efficiently and can get disposed to tear and wear early. 

Services – Another field to determine is to address the services that the company claims to offer and whether the Air Conditioning Installation Melbourne services are delivered or not.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Commercial Reputable Air Conditioning Specialist in Melbourne

Are you searching for a reputable air conditioning specialist in Melbourne, Victoria for your industrial premises? Call our professionals right this moment and get the outstanding service, unit installation, and repair answers for your AC unit!

General indications your Air Conditioning unit requires service

As a business owner it is essential to be informed of the indications of a defective air conditioning unit. The prior that professional services are performed the significantly less problems and damage you will encounter. Some of the most basic indications we discover in various AC units involve:

·      Inconsistent Functionality: A solid signal that an air conditioning unit is on its last stage is poor or inconsistent functionality. Under regular conditions, AC units will crank out regularly cool air for years and years without having to work overtime. If you are not discovering the amount of air circulation or cooling capacity that you have come to hope from your AC components, it is time to call in a professional for air conditioning service Melbourne, Victoria.

·        Noisy AC Unit: One more indication of approaching air conditioning unit damage is a noisy AC unit. If you are experiencing a lot of uncommon rattles and groans, it’s most likely that the device needs to be serviced instantly. In the event of something reasonably insignificant such as a damaged fan belt, the repair is normal and cost-effective. However, an especially noisy AC unit may require to be changed completely and would require to go for AC installation Melbourne, Victoria.

·       Foul Smells: Another comparatively unambiguous indication that your air conditioning unit is on its last stage is a regularly unpleasant smell. Your common AC unit has a life span of 12 years or so. Although upgrades in technology have extended that lifetime relatively, there is a limit to how long an AC unit can go on. An air conditioning unit in need of replacement will make your unit stink like a musty basement.

·      Excess Moisture build-up or condensation: If you see a lot of condensation gathering in or around your AC unit, it is a clear indication that something is wrong. While this could be the consequence of a obstructed or damaged drain tube, it could also indicate the need for more major maintenance. Similarly, coolant leakages that result from rusty inner pipes generally indicate that the unit is most likely broken and should be go for air conditioning installation Melbourne, Victoria immediately.

·      Increased Energy Usage: Last but not least, a visible but unusual rise in your energy expenses at the time of the hot summer months could indicate that your AC is on the fritz. Ineffective air conditioners consume high volumes of energy during their regular functions. While maintenance may often do the trick, at some point the need for replacement will develop.

When these problems appear, contact to our experts for support. We offer clients with full-service commercial air conditioning repair Melbourne, Victoria Australia. No matter what the concern may be, we will find a solution for you that is effective.